Week Notes #13: 6 July, 2020
Past the halfway point of the year. Crazy.
The wind has been mad this summer. Days of intense heat. Days of Thunder. Weeks of wiiiiiiind.
- I had another knock about with the new wedge. I took it onto the field at the back of house so I could hit a bit further. I love it even more. I might have had a cheeky hit with my new PW too ... he he he eh hehheeh
- I might actually go to a golf course one of these days.
- I've seen a few Service Designer jobs doing the rounds recently. It sounds like a really holistic, high level sweeping job title ... but looking at the job descriptions it seems to be just another name for a designer comfortable with digital platforms. UX, Product, Service ... they all seem to be fairly interchangeable. My first thought with these names is ... discomfort. It's like using language to put up barriers to entry, to inflate something that doesn't need inflating.
- At the end of the day it comes down to the organisations. Not everyone has products. Some people provide services. Some people give experiences.
- Naming things is difficult - I get that - but I wish I knew what I was sometimes.
- That's the real nub of the matter. I've struggled with my own career identity for a long time now ... all these new terms feed my imposter syndrome something rotten.
- As it happens, when you read the explanation about the role of a Service Designer ... it actually is probably quite close to how I see myself these days ... but it's names, innit.
- Wednesday afternoon saw the children smashing our telly. I spent ages waiting for that telly. I got it for an absolute bargain price for the size, features and looks. It was brilliant. I was only saying last week how happy I was with it still. Now a Jenga block put a dent in it.
- I'm not angry. These things happen ... but I can't be arsed starting the search again.
- Plus they aint cheap.
- The weekend started with lots of grass cutting and weeding. The rain had sent everything a bit mental. We had Mrs C's family round in the back garden in the afternoon, which was nice to see everyone for the first time in months. I caught the sun. Played a bit of cricket on the back field. Nice stuff.
- I dunked my wedge in 45p Cola overnight.
- Sunday started with me getting up early. I brushed the wedge down ... it came up ... better. I was kind of hoping for a bit more. I might give it another blast.